Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Why do it your self Wedding Invitations

After your wedding plans is already, the date of your wedding has been choosen. Time and Location are set. Considering to make your DIY (do it your self) Wedding Invitations. There are many advantage to do wedding invitation by your self. Bellow the main reason to consider DIY Wedding Invitations.
  1. Save a lot of money. Do it your self actually can save your dollar. Start from basic wedding card stock to diy wedding invitations.
  2. Control over what goes on them totally. You can decide if you want to put some clip art on, add a bow, put on a fun charm or whatever you like. This means that you don't have to ask if something is available you just find it and add it to your invitation. With all the scrap book supplies this can be an endless choice.
  3. Ensure they will be sent without any problem. If your wedding invitations is sent via post mail, always keep in mind that one stamp will mail everything. You will have to add the postage for the RSVP but you can make sure the size and the weight are fine for everything else.
To start do it your self wedding invitation, can get ideas for wedding invitation Ideas Free  in magazine, or on the internet. however the best ideas come from your own mind and from your heart. Since you are the one in love and it is your special day, when you make your own wedding invitations they reflect you and they are more personal. Do it yourself wedding invitations can be anything from a very simple handwritten invitation to an elegant invitation designed by you on the computer.